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- CGWBPattern Manual CGWBPattern
- CGWBPPatch - Main program
- Prefs/CGWBPattern - Prefs
- CyberGraphics has the wonderful feature that you can have a Workbench
- with a serious quantity of colours.. Ever since i got my graphics card
- and CyberGraphics i wanted to have a jpeg as a backdrop.. Would sure
- look pretty, So i started to write CGWBPattern, and with the writing
- it grew until it turned into what it is now.. A complete replacement
- for WBPattern, with additional gimics ;-)
- Backdrop (pattern) updating (refreshing) is significantly faster then
- WBPattern.
- Uses datatypes to load patterns
- 6 different colour remap types (precisions).
- Change the Screenmode and the backdrop remaps to the new number of
- colours to insure the backdrops always look as good as possible.
- CyberGraphics users can have 15/16/24bit backdrops using the
- 24bit picture.datatype.
- Optional random backdrops.
- Workbench windows can be changed to smart refresh for even faster
- pattern updating
- FullWB toggle (with optional 'screen-to-front/back' gadget)
- Prefs program for easy setting.
- Memory used by patterns can be varied.
- One off
- 1. Copy bgui.library to libs: or do 'assign libs: libs add' from
- the CGWBPattern dir.
- 2. Just execute 'CGWBPPatch' then play with the prefs prog.
- Perminant
- 1. Open up WBPattern prefs, set to blank patterns.. Save (otherwise
- you'll waste mem.).
- 2. Copy Prefs/CGWBPattern to whereever you put your prefs progs.
- 3. Copy bgui.library to libs:
- 4. Copy CGWBPPatch to c: or whereever.
- 5. Add 'CGWBPPatch' to your startup-sequence sometime <after>
- 'AddDatatypes' (it auto-detaches so no need to run it..).
- 6. Play with the Prefs prog.
- CGWBPPatch
- Execute it once to patch the system, once more to remove the
- patches (NB this can be dangerous.. If another program has
- patched the same functions your system may guru).
- Prefs/CGWBPattern
- - Gadgets (all have keyboard shortcuts)
- Workbench/Windows
- 'Directory' ('Random' checked)
- Directory name from which the patterns are chosen, either
- enter by hand or click on the file requester gadget.
- 'Pattern' ('Random' not checked)
- Pattern to use, either enter by hand or click on the file
- requester gadget.
- 'Precision'
- Remap precision to use. the higher the precision the better
- the backdrops will look, however the higher the precision the
- longer the backdrops will take to load.. Experiment.
- Precision
- worst -----> best
- GUI (1) -> Icon (2) -> Image (3) -> Exact (4)
- The Precisions are in this order in the cycle gad.
- Planes precision is no remapping at all.. Useful if, for
- example, you use MagicWB with only 8 colours and your
- patterns use these colours in the same order as the WB -
- Remapping, in this case, is not ness. so why not switch it
- off and gain some speed in loading?
- Another use that springs to mind.. Seen those ArcPacks?
- with about 10ish different sets of colours... Rather
- than make a new copy of the pattern with different colours
- just change the WB Colours..
- CyberGfx precision is only usable by those with CyberGraphics
- supported Graphics Cards.. Allows you to use 15/16/24 bit
- patterns (backdrops).
- 'Smart'
- Check this if you want the Workbench Window (or the Drawer
- windows) to be smart refresh instead of simple refresh -
- Smart refresh windows are faster to refresh but take up
- more memory.
- Don't check 'Smart' for the Workbench if you're in a
- CyberGraphics screemode with a depth greater than 8.
- 'Random'
- Check this if you want random patterns.
- A random pattern will be loaded each time the prefs changes
- (apart from 'WB Gadget' - toggling this has no effect on the
- patterns) or is read by CGWBPPatch (ie on startup or if you
- change the screenmode).
- 'Full WB'
- Check this and the Workbench titlebar will be hidden (the
- Workbench pattern will occupy the whole screen).
- This only makes sence if the Workbench window is borderless.
- NB CGWBPattern uses electronic countermeasures ;-) to make
- sure the Workbench stays full or not. If you have several
- programs that toggle 'Full WB' running, the important one
- is this (trust me).
- 'WB Gadget'
- If you have a 'Full WB' but you want a 'Screen to front/back'
- gadget anyway check this.
- 'Mem Size'
- Controls the way CGWBPattern allocates the memory for the
- patterns..
- 'Minimum'
- Smallist allocation - least memory taken.. Slowest
- refresh.
- 'Standard'
- Normal memory allocation. Normal refresh
- 'Maximum'
- Largest memory allocation, fastest refresh.
- 'Save'
- Saves the current settings to env: & envarc:
- 'Use'
- Saves the current settings to env: (reboot and you'll
- get the old settings back)
- 'Test'
- Shows you what the current settings look like without commiting
- you to them (when you quit the prefs the prevous settings will
- be restored).
- 'Cancel'
- Quit the preferences loosing any changes made.
- - Menus
- 'Project'
- 'Open...'
- Load a previously saved prefs file.
- 'Save as...'
- Save the prefs as..
- 'About...'
- Pretty little window.
- 'Quit'
- Quit the preferences loosing any changes made.
- 'Edit'
- 'Last Saved'
- Re-loads the preferences from envarc:
- 'Restore'
- Re-loads the preferences from env:
- If you change a drawer to 'View by Icon' without closing/re-opening
- the drawer, currently the pattern will not appear.
- CGWBPattern does not work with EGS (this <MAY> be changed).
- I don't use it with EGS and no-one has yet written to me saying
- that they do (well want to..).
- Needs OS 3.00 or higher.
- CyberGraphics, Supported Gfx Card & the 24bit picture.datatype
- to use the 15/16/24bit Precision.
- bgui.library needed for preferences editor (included).
- CGWBPatternXXX (dir)
- Prefs (dir)
- CGWBPattern
- CGWBPattern.info
- CGWBPPatch
- CGWBPattern.man
- CGWBPatternXXX.readme
- libs (dir)
- bgui.library (c) Jan van den Baard
- Calvin.iff24 (c) Unknown
- Planet.iff24 (c> Unknown
- Simon Richardson
- simon@albert.demon.co.uk
- Simon Richardson 1995.
- CGWBPattern is emailware (if you like it let me know)
- Freely Distributable, (c) 1994-95 Simon Richardon
- Standard boring disclamer that no-one reads anyway, about everything
- being due to the law of chance and not my fault at all (and definitly
- not my resposibility).. You know the old "use at your own peril" thingy..
- Humm do you think they put that on razors? "If you accidently cut off part
- of your body with this thing, or it explodes etc etc..". Makes you wonder
- doesn't it?
- If you like it, use it.. If you hate it delete it.
- 1.0 26/10/95 First version
- 1.01 26/10/95 (First Aminet release)
- Can now set the window refresh type (NB don't make CGfx
- windows smart refresh)
- Can optionally remove the Workbench title bar
- CGWBPPatch
- 1.02 04/01/96 Added electronic contermeasures ;-)
- BugFix: CGWBPPatch now unload patterns before quiting
- (oops).
- Only resets the WB if it needs to rather than every
- time its prefs changes.
- Added WB Gadget
- The Workbench window always has its own pattern even
- if its not borderless now.
- 'View by name' now works correctly
- CGWBPPatch now detaches from the CLI again.
- Now loads random files.
- Changed the name slightly for clarity.
- Misc small code changes and optimisations
- 1.03 06/01/96 (Aminet Release)
- BugFix: Solved problem with stacksize caused by the
- additional code for random patterns.
- 1.04 Added Planes precision
- 1.041 14/01/96 BugFix: ShowTitle() would reset the WB sometimes
- when unness.
- 1.05 23/01/96 Now uses 24bit picture.datatype for CyberGfx
- precision (also reduces code size & speeds
- up loading & refreshing slightly..)
- Prefs/CGWBPattern
- 1.02 17/12/95 Added new gadgets, tided up GUI.
- 1.03 03/01/96 Filename gadget now knows about dirs.
- 1.04 Added Planes precision.
- Jan van den Baard for BGUI Library, i thought i'd try it for the
- prefs editor.. Now i love it..
- Pierre Carrette & Walter Dörwald for your excellent 'layerhook'
- example.